
Whats your first memory with music?

Mine is Mozart.

I was sitting in my parents living room listening to the soundtrack from the movie ‘Amadeus’. I don’t remember the rest of that year, but somehow I can still tell you everything about that moment - soft morning light through the backyard window resting on our oversized armoire, pillows strewn just so across our long grey couch, & the smell of summer riding on birdsongs through an open door off the kitchen, mingling with the violins. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.

Thats the power of music, of art. It connects so deeply to memory.

I love that connection!

I started playing cello shortly after I heard Mozart, and I’ve been playing and composing ever since. I’ve been in multiple internationally recognized orchestras as a cellist, composed work for full orchestra, piano, and cello, and written and arranged music for multiple bands and ensembles across multiple genres, and scored two award-winning short films. Today, I do it all from Manhattan in NYC.


My goal is to create art - melodies, arrangements, lyrics, poetry, prose - to engender memories.

I’d love to do it with you.

Click around to hear and read some of my work. If you think we’re creating in the same direction, lets talk :)